Snorre Jeppe-Hansen
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+45 27 59 22 75
09.11.1991 Danish
Snorre Jeppe-hansen is the artistic co-runner and member of the DANSEatelier dance space and collective in Copenhagen: danseatelier.dk
He established an ongoing research and performative practice called: dance for plants and is reconsidering relations between humans and non-humans.
sliding under with something on top solo work, at thecarrierbag festival at DANSEatelier (2017)
Bag bakkerne, kysten a performance in collaboration with writer Peter-Clement Woetmann, dance and choreography, at the Copenhagen Main Library and DANSEatelier (2016-2017)
DANSEatelier Performance Feast 6 performance nights at DANSEatelier, co-curator (2016-2017)
the techtonics with and by DANSEatelier, performed at Dansehallerne, Copenhagen
Contemporary (CC), Choir of Young Believers Concert and ICE HOT (2016-2017)
Baby when you’re gone created and performed with Marlene Bonnesen & Anna Stamp Møller. Performed Dansehallerne and DANSEatelier (2016)
Relocate participatory performance score, performed at DANSEatelier, Q Gallery and my parent house in Århus, co-creater with Nanna Katrine Hansen (2015-2016)
B.Y.O.U./TONY’S PONY SHOW performed at The Place (2013) and Accidental Festival (2014) dancer and choreographer https://vimeo.com/110496309
SISSY BOMB by Martin Forsberg with Casper-Malte Augusta, Tami T and Alex Alvina Chamberland, at Danssationen(2017)
Sharing Home and Poly Mirrors by Naïma Mazic, at CAP Brussels and at CAS-co, Lueven (2017)
Med Sne by Thomas Bendix and Edhem Jesenkovic, at the Danish Royal Theatre (2016-2017)
National Udstilling with KASPERSOPHIE, choreographers Martin Forsberg, Lea Anderson and Gunilla Lind, at SMK, dancer (2016)
RUDY by Ellen Söderhult, at PAF (performing arts forum), dancer (2017)
HOME by Naïma Mazic and William Ruiz Morales. A construction by musicians and dancers ind Havana, Cuba. dancer and choreographic assistent (2016)
ULTRA by Martin Forsberg – Fors Works, dancer (spring 2016)
History of Velocity by Pedro Gomez-Egana, performer (2015) https://vimeo.com/142569705
The Danish National School of Performing Arts Dance & choreography programme, 2011-2015
London Contemporary Dance School at The Place, Erasmus Exchange, Autumn 2013
Internships: Keith Hennessy, New York (2015) Vicky Shick New York (2015)
Connections one-month residency with dance for plants at Performing Arts Platform, Århus 2017
danceWEB scholarship holder at ImPulsTanz, Vienna 2017